Feeding Schedules Tips to Getting it Right

Does the feeding schedule matter?

Feeding schedules are important to maintaining a child. A baby at any age needs to have the right amount of calories each day to grow and develop as they do. During their first few months, you will notice some of the fastest growth in their lives, but if they are not getting enough calories, their growth could be less and their mental and physical development may be lacking. The good news is that most babies have access to great levels of nutritious foods, from breast milk to formulas, and even to baby food later on.


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Important tips for feeding schedule 

To help you to make feeding schedules less stressful, here are some tips to help you through the process. You may find that it can be much easier to manage these tasks than you thought.

  1.  Ensure a schedule. Perhaps the most important aspect of maintaining your child's feeding schedule is to put a schedule in place for yourself. For example, each morning all bottles are clean, nipples sterilized and bottles filled and stored in the fridge for easy use throughout the day.
  2. Find one place to feed your child. It is often best to find one place that becomes your feeding spot. Later, when you wish to stop the child from bottle-feeding or breast-feeding, you can then stop using this spot and the process will be easier.
  3. Learn how many calories your child needs. Know the number of calories your child needs to develop well. Some children will want more, others less than this amount.
  4. Do not feed all day. One mistake many make is trying to feed the baby all day long. Instead of drinking six ounces of formula in the morning and then another bottle three hours later, some parents will allow the child to sip on the first six ounces throughout the morning. This does not establish a quality-feeding schedule. If the child does not finish the bottle within thirty minutes, take it from them.
  5. If a child wants much more, it may be time for solid foods. Talk to your pediatrician about giving your child foods prior to doing so.

It goes without saying that you want your child to eat enough, but ensuring they are on a schedule helps them to eat healthier and gives them the foundation for nutrition and healthy eating later in life that they need to have.

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