You Can Only Cut and Paste So Many Times

When it comes to homeschooling very young children, you need to find various ways to help them participate in arts and crafts time so that they’re always entertained and able to learn something different. While cutting and pasting is a wonderful way to get them acquainted with using child-safe scissors and how to paste something using just the right amount of paste when these things are ALL they do, children can get rather bored.

Boredom causes inattentiveness. So you see why it’s important to keep them challenged and motivated. Instead of only letting them cut, paste, and color; try throwing in something a little more fun for kids. There are other crafty activities that children love and are very capable of doing. One of the most popular is finger painting. Granted, this is an activity that you’ll need a bit more preparation for than other things they could be doing.

Thinks to Remember

The first thing you should do is make sure that the children are dressed in old clothing so that they won’t risk ruining some of their nicer clothes. You can always haul out some old shirts of yours and use those to cover the children. In that way, no one has to worry about getting paint on anything valuable.

Once the children are appropriately dressed, be sure to spread out plenty of old newspapers or some other sort of protective covering over the area that will be used as the painting area. Set out the different jars of paint and paper for the children to use in creating their masterpieces.

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Give them the freedom to choose their own paint colors and their own designs. If they want to mix all of the colors into one giant blob, let them. It’s important that they get used to the feel of the paint and how to put it on the paper. Let them make their own choices so that they can actually have some fun.

If they ask for your help, obviously show them anything that they need to know. Just let them use their own imagination when it comes to putting the paint onto the paper. Encourage them to talk about what they’re painting, and what the shapes and images are in the pictures. When they’ve completed their pictures, ask them to name the pictures. Let the pictures dry.

While they’re drying, take some poster board and make them into frames for the pictures. The easiest way to do that simply pastes the picture into the center of a poster board square cut to just a bit larger than the size of the picture and it will look as if it’s framed or matted.

Last, of all, let the children choose where they want their pictures to be put up. If you have some sort of fancy decor going on in the rest of your house, encourage them to add it to their rooms to go along with any other pictures they may have hanging on their walls. It will make them feel special by creating their very own room decorations. Anytime you can allow your children to create something that can be used in some way, it’s the perfect teaching experience.